You must be at school on Monday 19th March at 7.45am - yes, that's early but it is a long journey to Cornwall, as you will know, Cornwall suffers from it's isolation. Journey times are long!
You will be provided with dinner on each night whilst away and from Tuesday morning onwards you will also get breakfast. However, you will not be provided with lunch so need to bring enough money to buy something whilst we are out.
The sort of things you could bring are:
Waterproofs (if jeans get wet they are uncomfortable)
Walking boots and wellies may be useful for beaches
Layers of clothing (it is easier to take off layers of clothing if you get hot or add layers if you get cold) and things to keep you warm (the coast can get windy and cold)
Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant and so on)
Pens, pencils etc
Useful items could include a camera -but you must be aware that the school takes o responsibility for any items that you bring along.
I would hope that we will be back between4-5pm on the Friday, but this is subject to change and you will need to ring parents on the journey back to give them a clearer idea of arrival time.
If you have any questions about the trip you should ask your teacher or email Mr Bains on